Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 21

Callum loves to help with anything, so he was excited about helping wrap the gifts. I usually like to do gift bags only, but I've gotten better about using wrapping paper.

Help wrap Christmas gifts

Day 20

Today we decided to try making cookies from scratch and I've learned it's better to stick with the pre-made:) We had fun making them, but they didn't turn out the way I thought they would.

Make Christmas cookies

Decorating the cookies

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Day 19

Today was a special day for me. I don't get to spend a lot of one on one time with Callum, so I was excited to have a movie date with him. We saw Tangled and he loved it. We laughed through the whole movie. And of course he loved the popcorn.

Mommy and Callum movie date

After the movie (he wouldn't give up the popcorn)

Day 18

Tonight we decided to go look at some Christmas lights. We only went around our neighborhood because Asher is teething, coughing, etc. He was pretty fussy, so we did a short trip.

Tour Christmas lights in pjs

Trying to get a picture before the tour


Day 17

I wanted him to do a finger painting Christmas tree, but he wanted to use a paintbrush. He's so independent.

Make a Christmas tree

Painting a tree


He had a little bit too much fun with the glitter.

Finishing project! He did a great job!

Day 16

This activity was a fun and tough one for him. He wanted to eat all of the candy so bad and he snuck a couple of pieces.

Make a gingerbread house

Waiting to start

Spreading the icing

Putting the gumdrops on the roof

He did such a good job!

Silly boy with the finished product

Day 15

Today was Callum's Christmas party at school. They decorated cookies and exchanged books. He didn't want to give up his Llama llama red pajama book, but he got a new book.

Christmas Party at school


Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 14

Fun and easy. The boys loved opening a gift early.

Open one gift early

Digging into their gifts

Cars toolbox


Playing with his tools

Wrapping paper is better

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 13

Today we decided to create a new activity that wasn't in the jar. Since there was no preschool, we decided to enjoy the surprise!

Play in the snow

Throwing snowballs

Cheesy boy

Such a big helper!

He said he was making a choo-choo train

Snowball fight!

Day 12

We did Day 11 and 12 on the same day. We messed up somewhere (maybe Friday).

Make a snowman

Working hard on our snowman

Mommy does the glue

During this activity, he decided to try a new trick

Caught in the act!

Tada! And being silly.

Day 11

Not sure why I didn't take a picture of us reading the story. Probably because Mommy and Daddy stayed out until almost 3am the night before. We still had fun and he was very excited to drink hot chocolate.

Drink hot chocolate and read the real Christmas story


Day 10

Please forgive me for my lack of blogging. I will get better at keeping up with this.

Make a Christmas ring wreath

The boys decided to make a chain of rings around the tree instead of a wreath. They turned out great!

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day 9

I had to work last night, so the boys ate pizza, popcorn, and watched The Polar Express. Not really sure where the obsession with choo-choo trains came from, but he loves them.

Pizza, popcorn, and Christmas movie

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day 8

Today's activity was another great craft. We gathered the pine cones from Pepa and Mema's house because we don't have any. Callum decided to paint his Christmas tree pine cone many different colors-green, blue, yellow. He wanted to wait until Daddy got home to paint, so they had a great time together while Mommy cleaned:)

Paint Christmas Tree Pine cones

He's a pro at painting.

Daddy probably said something really funny.

Really, really funny

The green, blue, and yellow Christmas tree

Daddy and his boys

Day 7

Ok back to the iphone today for pictures. But I did find a new photo app, so they are a little fancy. Writing a letter to Santa is fun with an almost 3 yr old. He knows exactly what he wants (and what his little brother wants).

Write a letter to Santa

Writing a very long letter to Santa

Tada! He wants a bike, Jesse, Woody, and Bullseye

Day 6

As you can tell, I used the real camera and not my iphone on this one. It's amazing to see how much Callum has changed in a year. Last year we were having to do some of these activities for him, but now he can do them by himself. Such a big boy!

Make snowflakes

Daddy helped with the snowflakes. He's an expert.

Callum being silly as always

Yay for safety scissors!

Our beautiful snowflakes!

Day 5

Mema and Pepa were pretty worn out by Sunday, so they decided to watch a Christmas movie instead of the activity that was planned. That's perfectly alright because we greatly appreciate them watching the boys while we were gone:)

Watch a Christmas movie-The Polar Express

Callum is wearing his "choo-choo train" shirt for the movie

Callum enjoying the movie, Asher eating the movie, and Pepa falling asleep during the movie

Day 4

Another day at Pepa and Mema's house. So glad that we were still able to do the Christmas jar even though we were MIA.

Make Christmas jello

Callum is helping stir and I'm guessing Asher is testing out the jello??

Look how much he's changed in a year!!!

Waiting and waiting for the jello